
Higher Education Loans Board [HELB]

Background Info:

The Higher Education Loans Board HELB is a Financial of Higher education in kenya.It was established by an act of Parliament(Cap213A)in 1995 as astate of Corporation under tge Ministry of Education,Science and Technology

Objectives based for increment of HELB Loan

~To disburse loans,bursaries and scholarship to students pursuing Higher Education in recognized Institution

~To give Financial support to Needy kenyan students(undergraduate and Post graduate students) in institutions of Higher learning both Localy and abroad


But due to Financial Constrains the government only disburse Loans to students studying within the country

The board awards minimum of 35,000 to students succesful for Helb Loan.There bank accounts are funded at each of the beggining of an semister

see ·HELB Loan basic requirements/Guide Book

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[2016-11-12] Mark mwendwa :

I am a technical university of Mombasa student.I applied for helb loan 2016/2017 and have not been disbursed.Please help.My ID no. 34868449 Reg.BSDS/124J/2016

[2016-01-24] vivian namuyenda wekulo :

wish to know about my helb loan release id number 32954013

[2015-09-22] fredrick mugambi :

I am a chuka university student.i applied for subsequent helb loan 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 financial years and none has been disbursed in my school account.please id number 228554040.Reg ABS 1/08543/12

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